9 Warning Signs Of Depression

warning signs of depression - hurricane brewing

There was once a time when tornadoes came without warning.  Today we get warnings on our cell phones, televisions, and watches that the signs are there of a coming storm.  The wise pay attention to those warning signs.  Likewise, there are clear warning signs of depression that it is prudent to heed.

Now, by “depression,” I don’t mean unhappiness like you have after a bad day at work or sadness like you have when your pet dies.  I’m talking about the kind of depression that doesn’t lift on its own, but needs the help of a mental health professional. 

How can you tell the difference between the regular kind of malaise that everyone gets from time to time and real depression?  Here are nine warning signs of depression: 

Warning Signs Of Depression:

Depression impacts the way you look at life in general, not just the current circumstances.  One of the warning signs of depression is hopelessness.  People struggling with depression tend to have a hopeless and even helpless outlook on life in general.  Accompanying this are other feelings such as a sense of worthlessness, self-loathing, or disproportionate guilt and self-blaming.  Common things depressed people say are, “It’s all my fault,” “What’s the point?” 

warning signs of Depression:
Loss of Interest

The second warning sign of depression is a loss of interest.  When a person is depressed, they no longer find pleasure or enjoyment in things that they used to love such as sports, hobbies, entertainment, the company of friends.  It is not uncommon to lose interest in sex, have a decreased sex drive, and, in men, erectile disfunction. 

warning signs of depression:
Problems With Sleep

warning signs of depression - woman wide awake

Depression saps people of their energy, causing fatigue.  This is one of the reasons they stop doing things they enjoy; they’re too tired.  They often sleep too much, taking long or multiple naps.  They also tend to have insomnia, difficulty staying asleep, or lack of quality sleep, which can lead to anxiety. 

warning signs of depression:

Anxiety and depression are siblings; they very often go hand in hand and occur together.  A person will go from down and depressed to anxious and stressed.  Anxiety produces: 

  • Nervousness, restlessness, tenseness

  • Feelings of dread, panic, danger

  • Increased heart beat

  • Heavy breathing

  • Abnormal sweating

  • Twitching muscles, trembling

  • Difficulty focusing or thinking clearly about anything but the current worry 

warning signs of depression:
Irritability (in men)

A warning sign of depression in men is irritability.  Men with depression tend to become irritable and have misplaced anger.  They also tend to indulge in escapist or risky behaviors such as substance abuse.  Men are also much less likely than women to admit that they have depression and need help, becoming irritated and angry if pressed on the issue. 

warning signs of depression:
Changes in Appetite

People with depression will sometimes lose their appetite and experience sudden weight loss.  Or, conversely, they may have an increased appetite and experience sudden weight gain.  If a person loses or gains weight on purpose, that is one thing, but if it is unintentional, that is a sign of depression.

warning signs of depression:
Mood Swings

You would think that people with depression are stuck in one emotion: sadness.  But that is not true.  They actually swing from one extreme to the other, angry one minute and sobbing the next.  The emotions are up and down like a roller coaster. 

warning signs of depression:
Thoughts of Death

warning signs of depression - a cemetery

It is not abnormal to think about death from time to time, but fixating on death is a warning sign of depression.  Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S.  According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, in 2019, 47,511 Americans died by suicide and there were 1.38 million attempts.  People who commit suicide usually show warning signs and often they will talk about it.   

If someone you know is talking about or threatening suicide, call 911, stay with the person until help arrives, remove any weapons, medications, anything that could cause harm, and listen but don’t judge or argue.  The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 800-273-8255. 

If you recognize these warning signs of depression in yourself or someone you love, don’t ignore these signs. Get help.  At SoulCare Counseling, we are trained to work with depression.  I urge you to read more about depression, and then reach out to us for a free thirty-minute consultation for depression treatment.  

Risper Ngumba is a Licensed Professional Counselor - Associate under the supervision of Dr. Bernis Riley, LPC-S and Certified EFT Therapist. She holds a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is taking new clients.  Teletherapy is available upon request.